How To Make

  1. Get gallon of raw milk and pour some out (~1/8 of the gallon) to give room for honey, cacao, and shaking.
  2. Pour x amount of honey into the gallon of raw milk
  3. Shake it up well and now you have Money (Milk + Honey)
  4. Get an 8oz cup and pour cacao about half way up
  5. Get hot water and pour in the cup slightly more than the cacao so slightly more than half the cup
  6. Add 3 tablespoons of honey
  7. Mix well with frother (spoon if you don’t have one) until it becomes like a ‘chocolate syrup’
    1. Note: this syrup can be used for putting on other delicious things like fruit or sourdough
  8. Pour chocolate syrup into the money (raw milk & honey) gallon
    1. Note: the syrup should be thick but liquid so that it can be poured into the money and mixed well. If it is not, add a bit more hot water and mix the chocolate sauce again and then add to the gallon
  9. Shake the gallon well until the chocolate and honey are mixed throughout
  10. Congrats! You now have the most delicious & nutritious drink in the world: CHOCOLATE MONEY!

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